3 Ways to Implement New Staffing Solution Without Stressing the Employees

How to Implement New Staffing Software Without Frustrating the Employees?


The good news is that companies are marching towards complete digitalization and opting for modern solutions that promote minimal human dependency. The bad news is that staffing companies somehow fail in implementing the software successfully, resulting in stressed employees.


The problem is more persistent with Gen X employees. Though they are one of the most adapting and flexible generations, it can sometimes be challenging for them to get their hands on new solutions that are lesser user-friendly and more complex in nature.


The situation can be similar for all the generations- millennials. Gen Z, Gen X, etc., if you’re unclear of how the solution will be benefiting the system and how it will be implemented phase by phase.


When the employees feel confused and unclear about the whole change, they begin showcasing their resentment towards the new change, and gradually, the resentment turns into frustration, ultimately employee burnout.


So, how to avoid such a situation?


  • Communicate Thoroughly


Communication is the key. Whatever change you try to bring in your staffing agency, ensure communicating it with your employees. 


  • Involve them in the brainstorming sessions to gain a better knowledge of their requirement and pain areas.
  • Keep a room for two-way communications. Rather than announcing the news about the change, be open to two-way communication and take their disagreements positively.
  • Conduct detailed discussions on how to implement the solutions and conduct the training sessions.


Also, while introducing the new software to the workforce, pay proper attention to your speech and the exact words you utilize. Sometimes, using words like “the new beginning’ or ‘game-changing solution’ can hurt the sentiments of employees, forcing them to question their place in the organization. Rather, emphasize the added benefits of the solution and how it will be allowing the employees to perform better and more efficiently.


  • Offer Control


A sense of control allows the employees to transition into the new phase smoothly. Even if you have decided upon implementing the software after multiple brainstorming sessions with the employees, offering employees a sense of control always helps them in not stressing out about the whole change.


A loss of control can stress the employees; especially when the new system is completely replacing the manual processing. The same can be made possible by offering the employees the freedom to delay the switch or accelerate the switch according to their accordance.


  • Provide Training


What is the purpose of transforming your manual/semi-digital staffing agency to a fully digitalized business when the employees are not prepared for the same? Staffing coordinators need proper training programs to learn the software in and out, irrespective of their designation and years of experience in the industry. 


Proper training modules need to be designed and followed to ensure that staffing coordinators have the required knowledge and resources to utilize the software to its full potential.


If that’s not the case, the frustration of not being able to get along with the system will turn into a burn out- the last thing that you would want in this challenging talent crisis.


Considering a solution that is user-friendly enough to help your employees make the switch seamlessly? Drop us an email at [email protected] and allow us to guide you through the benefits NextCrew has to offer you.

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